Our vision for technology and media resources:
- Create 21st Century learners who create, collaborate, and communicate.
- Eliminate the digital divide.
- Use digital tools for academic and personal learning.
- Personalize learning for all students centered around their individual needs and goals.
- Support students in becoming good digital citizens.
- No food or drink allowed.
- Use the Media Center as a quiet study area.
- Please seat no more than four students at each table.
- Please be respectful of others.
Using the Media Center During Classroom Hours
- Freshman and sophomores using the Media Center during study hall must have a pass from a teacher. They must sign in and leave their pass at the desk.
- Juniors and seniors must have a pass they arrive at the Media Center after the tardy bell.
- Students may obtain 10-minute passes from study hall teachers to come to the Media Center to check out a media item, use a printer or conduct other brief business.
Other Important Items to be Aware Of
- You must use your Student ID card to check out media items.
- If you lose or damage a media item, you may be charged a fine equal to the replacement cost of the item.
- Student ID cards are made in the Media Center.