New Ames High Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures
Ames High will be implementing a new pick-up and drop-off procedure for those students being dropped at the school by car effective on August 23, 2024. This change continues our ongoing commitment to the safety of our students and staff while prioritizing the well-being of everyone involved, and leaves Ridgewood Avenue available for through traffic. With this new system in place, we anticipate smoother transitions and reduced congestion during peak times.
Last year, cars waiting to pick up students were backing up on Ridgewood Avenue congesting the street. The city of Ames will not allow this to continue to happen. We are moving the AHS bus pickup to the back (west side) of the building. Buses will enter from the southernmost turn into the parking lot and continue around the back of the building. They will then exit to the north and onto 20th Street.

Parents/guardians who are picking up students will now be able to pick up and drop off both to the southeast of the building and also to the northeast, the area where buses previously parked.
Northeast Pick Up/Drop Off
If picking up or dropping off on the northeast side, cars must enter off 20th Street and proceed to the south along the drive. When exiting, you will only be able to turn left. This keeps the throughput quick without having heavy pauses waiting for cross traffic to lessen. If you arrive early for pick up, please pull up as far as possible to the Ridgewood Avenue exit so other cars may pull into the drive.

When picking up on the northeast side, if the drive is full, cars may wait on 20th Street directly to the north of the building. Cars may pull all the way to the dead end on 20th and then circle back to the left to proceed into the drive. Please do not block the bus exit onto 20th Street near the staff parking lot. Cars may not wait on 20th Street beyond the intersection with Ridgewood Avenue as this congests traffic and blocks the throughput. If traffic is stopped at the intersection you will need to proceed to any of the public parking lots at Ames High and park your car to wait for your student.

Southeast Pick Up/Drop Off
If picking up or dropping off via the east drive right at the main entrance that proceeds along the southeast side of the building, cars must enter off Ridgewood Ave and proceed to the south along the drive. When exiting, you will be able to turn either direction. When pulling into this lot, if you are one of the earlier cars, please pull all the way up to the Pool entrance so cars may fill in the drive as much as possible. If there is no space left in the drive you must park your car in the lot and wait for your student. Absolutely no cars may wait on Ridgewood Avenue and block traffic.

From either direction, absolutely no traffic is allowed to be stopped on Ridgewood Ave. If neither drive is accessible, you will need to park your vehicle in the lot and wait for your student.
We appreciate your cooperation and support as we roll out these improvements, and we look forward to working together to ensure a positive and successful implementation.